Hints and Tips
Here are the hints and tips displayed by the "Tip of the Day" dialog box:
- You can improve visibility of new and partially completed tasks using "Future
tasks" filter.
- You can switch between panes using Tab key.
- You can quickly navigate to the nearest category of a task using Locate
category command. This command is available for both: plan entries and tasks.
This command is accessible from the Item menu, popup or by clicking Ctrl+K.
- To find recent plan entry of the task, choose "Locate schedule"
from the Item menu or press Ctrl+J.
- You can move plan entry to another day using drag-and-drop. Hover a dragging
item of a plan entry other leftmost or rightmost area to start next or previous
days listing accordingly, drop it to desired day.
- To organize existing tasks by placing them to appropriate categories, you
can use drag-and-drop.
- You can easily split a complex task to few simple tasks. Choose Split from
the Item menu.
- The task listing in the main DevPlanner window can be quickly sorted by
any of the fields displayed in the file listing. Just click on any column
title to sort on it.
- You can always be in time with your projects or long-term activities using
micro-deadlines. Estimate your tasks, and then order deadlines of each task
in the Tactical plan view. Choose "Schedule tasks" from the Tools
- For a complete Tip of the Day list, chose "Hints and Tips" from
the DevPlanner Help menu.
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Fedorenko. All rights reserved.